Tuesday, November 25, 2008

December meetings

Here are some details for December meetings:

Monday December 1: regular meeting at 645PM

Monday December 8, caroling with Montreat Church 630PM until 8PM with hot chocolate afterward in Gaither Hall.

Don't forget our participation in the Black Mountain Christmas parade on 12/6.

Meeting 11/24

Joseph M.
Lochlan A.
Caleb G.
Zach S.
Matthew S.
Will P.
Matthew B.
Hunter K.
Kyle P.
Micah S.

Will P. led the troop in an opening flag ceremony. Our flag ceremonies are improving dramatically vs. the beginning of the year.

Jeff Kruse led the troop through a number of objectives toward open merit badges:
Shoulder dislocation (Whitewater 1a). Thank you Mr. Sabo for your help.
Using a signal mirror (Wilderness Survival 7b).
Ground to air signals (Wilderness Survival 7c).
Cleaning and adjusting a bicycle, pre-ride checklist (Cycling #2). Thank you Kyle P. for bringing your bike for our use.

We also reviewed contents of an emergency kit for hikes and got a handout on Morse Code. Remember SOS signal is ...---...

Mr. Angle reminded the Beaver patrol to continue working on their fitness for next week's progress assessment.

Jeff reviewed progress toward merit badges for Micah, Kyle, Matthew, and Caleb and plans to review with other scouts who attended summer camp at next week's meeting. Please bring me any material you have on progress toward merit badges that you have completed outside our classroom or campout activities.

Scouts working on STAR and LIFE rank need to complete 6 hours of service work for each badge in addition to completing their merit badges.

Our next meeting is scheduled for next Monday, 1 December 2008 at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeff Kruse

Friday, November 14, 2008

We need pictures

Please email your pictures! Our site is looking pretty boring!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Calendar Changes: December

Due to some challenges related to the Hawk Patrol, I have decided (in consultation with the assistant Scoutmasters) to postpone our scheduled Court of honor from December to early February. I hope this will not be too great a disappointment for some who are hoping to be awarded their ranks and badges.

So we will have regular meetings in December (no scout master conferences) and we have been invited to the PACK 50 Christmas Party on December 15th in Fellowship Hall. I would also like to suggest that on December 1 we join Montreat Presbyterian Church in their annual Christmas Caroling tradition and have hot chocolate and goodies in the Fellowship Hall afterward.

Please remember that we will march in the Black Mountain town parade on Saturday December 6th at 4 pm (gather at 3 pm).

Edward Brouwer