Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fall Plans

Upcoming Events:
Jay Guffey will lead – limited # on participants per day
Aug. 21 – 2:30 – 7 pm beginners
Aug. 28 - 2:30 – 7 pm intermediate

Oct. 16-18 VA Creeper Trail with Montreat Presbyterian Church or 2 night campout

All Friday evenings after Sept 14 we will have camping at Legacy Camp. A sign-up sheet will be sent out by Edward for parents to fill in for evenings they will stay at camp with the boys.

Legacy Camp (our camp) has just been completed grading, with a $5000 cost. This included parking, gravel and an area for camping. A sub-committee was formed to create a timeline and costs to complete Legacy Camp. Jeff, David and LuAnn are on this committee. The boys who have not completed personal management with David will also serve on this committee. We have approximately $3000 left in our Scout account. Structures discussed were a shelter, barn, outhouse, tent platforms and water storage.

Scout meetings will begin on Monday Sept. 14. We will not cancel meetings for non-school days, except for major holidays.

Troop 50 will sell popcorn this year. LuAnn will be the popcorn kernel for Troop 50 again. She also will be attending Roundtable on the first Monday of each month with Daniel Boone Council.

LuAnn will work with Marshall Angle on researching different scout camps for next summer.