Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Court of Honor

Here are a couple of photos from our most recent Court of Honor (12/20/10). Check out our Facebook page to see more. (Thanks to our photographer, David Phillips.)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Court of Honor

Below is a list of who got what this week at Court of Honor. A great deal of this represents work that was done at Camp Grimes this summer. Excellent, guys!

Lochlan A.
Canoeing, Rowing, Small boat sailing and Swimming merit badges

Eli B.
Nature and Space exploration merit badges

Matthew B.
Citizenship in the community and Citizenship in the nation merit badges

Savva E.
Pottery, Rowing, Swimming and Wilderness survival merit badges

Hunter K.
Mile Swim patch and Environmental science merit badge

Andrew M.
Star rank; God and Country award, Citizenship in the nation merit badges

Kyle P.
Collections merit badge

Will P.
Metalworking, climbing and woodcarving merit badges

Zach S.
Star rank; First aid merit badge

David Teo
First Class rank; Citizenship in the nation, Communications, Emergency preparedness and Small boat sailing merit badges

We also listened to three short stories told by Andy Andrews, WWII veteran and Scout, about how knowledge gained from his Scouting years helped him while in battle during the war.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Leaders' Planning Meeting update

1. Finances—we have a positive balance of $4,594.72. This comes from the Spring fundraiser (car wash raised $1000) and the recent sale of our kayaks ($2000) plus a balance of $1500 from 2009. We must decide what our spending priorities are. We appointed a committee to report back by Sept 1 for using funds to develop Legacy and buy gear. Wil and Al Presnell, David and Kyle Phillips, Andrew Moore, Jeff and Hunter Kruse will do this.

2. Purchase of uniforms—both class A and B plus scout handbook are parent responsibility—but new families might want to wait a few weeks to learn the ropes and where to buy these.

3. Leadership this Fall—We discussed the model of Patrols in which learning is boy led and parent guided. We will have an election on our first night together to choose leadership positions. Patrol leaders are elected and we will likely need 3 patrol leaders and 3 Assistant Patrol leaders, Chaplain, historian and other positions available—some are simply appointed by the Patrol leaders rather than elected positions.

4. Fall Schedule—we reviewed and revised the calendar (see attachment) First gathering is at Rockmont on Thursday the 26th of August at 5:30. First meeting at Legacy Campsite on Monday the 30th at 6:30 pm.

5. Parent Volunteers Needed—Hiking Trip led by Eagle Boys on Saturday October 16 (route to be chosen by them), Swimming Certification at Cheshire one Sunday (Greg Stiles will head this up), Fundraiser in the Fall will be Chicken and Dumplings--organizing committee is Gerda Teo, Luanne Bryan and Marcus Duarte. Edward will contact White Horse about venue possibly on Saturday November 6th. We decided NOT to do Popcorn this year so as to focus our fundraising efforts on other things and not compete with Pack 50 for local supporters.

6. Summer Camp—we have signed up for Camp Grimes (Marion) for the second week of camp June 26-July 2 2011. If you can’t attend that week please talk to Luanne and arrange to go individually on a different week.

7. Leaders Training—John Gibson will talk with District leadership to arrange training this Fall.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

News tidbit from Scout Jamboree

BOWLING GREEN, Va. (UMNS) - More than 5,500 Boy Scouts and their adult leaders attended United Methodist worship at the National Jamboree, held at Fort A.P. Hill. It was part of a strong United Methodist presence at the event, which celebrated the centennial of Boy Scouts of America. Larry Coppock, the national director of Scouting ministries for the Commission on United Methodist Men, reported that during the Jamboree about 5,200 commemorative New Testaments and 10,000 Nothing But Nets patches were distributed. The worship service offering totaled more than $12,000. Along with the money collected at the Nothing But Nets display, the scouting event raised more than $17,000 to the church's anti-malaria partnership.

Article and Photo courtesy of United Methodist News Service; further reproduction is prohibited.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Camp facts 2010

Camp Grimes is located in Dysartsville, NC! There's not much else.

There were 55 people on the camp staff. There are 12 units encamped this week. There are about 250 boys and leaders this week. Troop 50 had the smallest unit (7 boys plus 2 adults).

The camp site was inspected daily. Troop 50 earned perfect scores on days 2 and 3, and missed perfection on Day 1 by a single point, because of a single piece of litter in the fire pit.

When motivated beginning at 1015PM, seven boys can turn milk, cream, sugar and ice into ice cream in 27 minutes.

Sunday, MO and TU were really hot. Rain came TU afternoon and merely increased the humidity. It was cooler WE, though, and cloudy in the morning.

Classes are going well; food is good; lake water is warm; everyone is sleeping about as much as one would expect and showering a whole lot less than one would hope.

Thanks to all the parents who helped load-in on Sunday and to the dads, brothers and other assorted family members providing 2-deep leadership for the boys while at camp. The boys eat breakfast on SA morning and immediately de-camp.

Grimes really is closer than our own Council camp in Canton!

The adult leadership on-site will consult and confer and announce camp superlatives later this summer.

If you have pictures you'd like to add, email them! We'll keep posting all summer!

2010 Camp Grimes: Mr. A.

Yes, parents, your sons are safe: Mr. Angle is conscientiously working to insure their safety and welfare while at camp!

He claims this was in order to be at his best for this evening's smack down softball game between camp staff and Scoutmasters.


Yeah, right.

2010 Camp Grimes: LA

A couple of shots of Lochlan A.:

At the evening flag ceremony:

Wishing he had misunderstood the lifeguard's instructions for the next swimming safety requirement:

2010 Camp Grimes: JM

A couple of shots of (the elusive {mostly because I couldn't keep up with him}) Joseph M.:

In the dining hall:

After a (restful) fishing merit badge session:

2010 Camp Grimes: EB

A couple of shots of Eli B.:

In mid-munch:

At the rifle range:

2010 Camp Grimes: DT

A couple of shots of David T.:

Solving a knotty problem with a small water craft:

Happy in his labor as a dinner waiter:

2010 Camp Grimes: MS

A couple of shots of Matt S:

Running to get to that next merit badge session:

Yucking it up at the camp site:

2010 Camp Grimes: SM

A couple of shots of Savva M:

At the waterfront working on swimming safety:

At the dining hall wondering what they could possibly come up with next:

2010 Camp Grimes: WP

A couple of shots of Will P.

Explaining his injuries to Mr. Angel:

Either paying really good attention or about to fall asleep in blacksmithing:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Car wash: SUCCESS

Thanks to the boys who participated in the car wash this morning. And thanks to all our patrons. Be sure to collect all the pledges you gathered. Ms. Bryan has the total number of cars washed for those who got "per car" pledges (31 cars is the number). Thanks to the parental units who helped supervise (and who did more work than they should have) and who brought donuts and water in the nick of time.

Thanks to Mr. Morris for letting us use his parking lot and water.

Wettest: Will
Calmest: Dennis
Sleepiest: Zander
Dirtiest vehicle: the Cherokee belonging to the Subway guy
Quickest wash: the 23-year-old Harley-Davidson motorcycle
Sweetest ride: the bright yellow 2003 Chevy SSR

Thursday, June 3, 2010

End-of-season reminders

Don’t forget NEXT Monday night (6/6) we have a big picnic and Court of Honor/Crossing over and Lake Tomahawk park. The Troop and Pack are providing all the food—so no need to bring anything.

The Court of Honor is at 5 pm at the pavilion—please be on time!

Also how are the pledges coming for the car wash? The car wash will be Saturday June 12 from 8-12 noon. The top 3 pledge takers will receive prize gift of $75…$50 and $25

Our goal is to have each of our 16 lads find 20 people willing to pledge $20 in support of our efforts. This should raise $6400 if we all can do it. But even if we can’t we’ll have fun trying! Thanks again to Joe’s dad for letting us use the State farm parking lot that morning!

Edward Brouwer

Scoutmaster Troop 50

Monday, May 17, 2010

Upcoming dates

May 24th Board of Review at our regular Monday evening meeting

May 31st Memorial Day Picnic and Lake Tomahawk. Court of Honor at 5 pm. Everyone please bring a generous side dish or dessert…This is a joint Pack and Troop picnic and we will provide the hotdogs and hamburgers. There will be a crossing over ceremony at the end.

June 12 Saturday 8-12 Car Wash Fundraiser at State farm Parking Lot

Monday, January 25, 2010

Money Matters update

There will be a Merit Badge Midway in Spruce Pine on Saturday 2/20. Cost is $10. Pick either a morning badge and an afternoon badge, or an all-day badge to work on. This is an excellent way to gain ground on those badges. (There are options for adult leaders also.)

The troop wants to have a $50 deposit from boys intending to go to summer camp at Camp Grimes. Bring that next Monday 2/1. You can pay off the balance incrementally if necessary. But the total due for camp ($220) needs to be paid in by the end of April.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spring Schedule: Tenderfoot-Second Class Scouts

Boy Scouts - Troop 50, Montreat
Jan-May 2010 Schedule
Tenderfoot/2nd Class

Mon. 1/11 - Shawn Swartz - Orienteering
Mon. 1/18 - No Scouts
Mon. 1/25 - Shawn Swartz - Orienteering
Jim Shores - Sharpening/handling axes, saws, knives
Sunday - 1/31, 1-3 PM - Warren Wilson Indoor Pool - Swimming Skills

Mon. 2/1 - Court of Honor
Mon. 2/8 - Jim Shores - First Aid
Mon. 2/15 - Shawn Swartz - First Aid
Sat. 2/20 - 5-mile Orienteering Hike 9-12 AM (meet at Rainbow Trail)
Mon 2/22 - Scouts bring their 1st aid kits, Demonstrate First Aid Skills

Mon 3/1 - 1-hr. Service Project, Montreat
Mon. 3/8 - Scouts make Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Presentations
Mon. 3/15 - Shawn Swartz - Leave No Trace
Mon. 3/22 - Jim Shores - Personal Safety & Protection
Mon. 3/29 - Get Caught Up

Mon. 4/5 - No Scouts
Sunday 4/11, 2-5PM - Nature Center
Mon. 4/12 - OE preps backpacking/climbing
Mon. 4/19 - OE preps backpacking/climbing
Mon. 4/26 - OE preps backpacking/climbing
Wed. 4/28 - OE leads Rock wall Climbing Clinic
Apr 30 - May 2 - Backpacking & Climbing Weekend

Mon 5/3 - TBA
Mon 5/10 - TBA
Mon 5/17 - Board of Review
5/24 - Court of Honor

Summer Camp 2010

Please mark on your calendars for all who plan to attend the Troop 50 Summer Camp at Camp Grimes

Sunday June 27th to Saturday July 3rd

All the info you need is on this website.

We have reserved 10 slots for scouts and 2 for adult leaders.
There must be 2 adult leaders at camp the entire time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rock Climbing Outing

Dear Scout Family

On Monday we announced a contest to design a patch that would be made to commemorate our Rock Climbing/ Hiking trip this Spring. I would love 100% participation of all our boys but realize this is next to impossible. However I do want to put on your calendar NOW in advance the dates we are considering:

Please reserve Friday April 30th to Sunday May 2 for this trip

We would leave after school and come back late afternoon on Sunday. This trip will be expertly led by the Outdoor Education Department of Montreat College and several of our own scout leaders.

If you know NOW that your son can not attend this please let me know.


Ski Trip Next Monday

Meet at McDonalds in BM Monday Jan 18th at 6:45 am. Have cash for the
lift/equipment ($30 for Lift $43 for Lift/Skis)

We get back to MacDonalds at 6:30 pm. Wear warm clothing and especially

A permission slip will be provided and your parent needs to fill it out and
sign it.

Bring a lunch or money for lunch (food at sugar is expensive!)

If it is raining the trip is canceled!