Monday, January 25, 2010

Money Matters update

There will be a Merit Badge Midway in Spruce Pine on Saturday 2/20. Cost is $10. Pick either a morning badge and an afternoon badge, or an all-day badge to work on. This is an excellent way to gain ground on those badges. (There are options for adult leaders also.)

The troop wants to have a $50 deposit from boys intending to go to summer camp at Camp Grimes. Bring that next Monday 2/1. You can pay off the balance incrementally if necessary. But the total due for camp ($220) needs to be paid in by the end of April.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spring Schedule: Tenderfoot-Second Class Scouts

Boy Scouts - Troop 50, Montreat
Jan-May 2010 Schedule
Tenderfoot/2nd Class

Mon. 1/11 - Shawn Swartz - Orienteering
Mon. 1/18 - No Scouts
Mon. 1/25 - Shawn Swartz - Orienteering
Jim Shores - Sharpening/handling axes, saws, knives
Sunday - 1/31, 1-3 PM - Warren Wilson Indoor Pool - Swimming Skills

Mon. 2/1 - Court of Honor
Mon. 2/8 - Jim Shores - First Aid
Mon. 2/15 - Shawn Swartz - First Aid
Sat. 2/20 - 5-mile Orienteering Hike 9-12 AM (meet at Rainbow Trail)
Mon 2/22 - Scouts bring their 1st aid kits, Demonstrate First Aid Skills

Mon 3/1 - 1-hr. Service Project, Montreat
Mon. 3/8 - Scouts make Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Presentations
Mon. 3/15 - Shawn Swartz - Leave No Trace
Mon. 3/22 - Jim Shores - Personal Safety & Protection
Mon. 3/29 - Get Caught Up

Mon. 4/5 - No Scouts
Sunday 4/11, 2-5PM - Nature Center
Mon. 4/12 - OE preps backpacking/climbing
Mon. 4/19 - OE preps backpacking/climbing
Mon. 4/26 - OE preps backpacking/climbing
Wed. 4/28 - OE leads Rock wall Climbing Clinic
Apr 30 - May 2 - Backpacking & Climbing Weekend

Mon 5/3 - TBA
Mon 5/10 - TBA
Mon 5/17 - Board of Review
5/24 - Court of Honor

Summer Camp 2010

Please mark on your calendars for all who plan to attend the Troop 50 Summer Camp at Camp Grimes

Sunday June 27th to Saturday July 3rd

All the info you need is on this website.

We have reserved 10 slots for scouts and 2 for adult leaders.
There must be 2 adult leaders at camp the entire time.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rock Climbing Outing

Dear Scout Family

On Monday we announced a contest to design a patch that would be made to commemorate our Rock Climbing/ Hiking trip this Spring. I would love 100% participation of all our boys but realize this is next to impossible. However I do want to put on your calendar NOW in advance the dates we are considering:

Please reserve Friday April 30th to Sunday May 2 for this trip

We would leave after school and come back late afternoon on Sunday. This trip will be expertly led by the Outdoor Education Department of Montreat College and several of our own scout leaders.

If you know NOW that your son can not attend this please let me know.


Ski Trip Next Monday

Meet at McDonalds in BM Monday Jan 18th at 6:45 am. Have cash for the
lift/equipment ($30 for Lift $43 for Lift/Skis)

We get back to MacDonalds at 6:30 pm. Wear warm clothing and especially

A permission slip will be provided and your parent needs to fill it out and
sign it.

Bring a lunch or money for lunch (food at sugar is expensive!)

If it is raining the trip is canceled!