Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Parade news and Ski Trip

Dear Troop

We are all looking forward to the Christmas Parade! We’ll be marching behind the Pack 50- float throwing candy into the crowd with a catapult and handing out beautiful bookmarks from our Sponsoring Organization.

Next Monday night we will gather at 6 pm in the Anderson parking lot and doing Christmas Carolling--with hot chocolate and cookies afterwards in our regular meeting place.

Originally we had planned a Court of Honor for December 14th. I am postponing that until mid-January.

So our last Scout meeting/event for December is Monday the 7th—enjoy the month off as our first gathering in January is the 11th of January and the 18th of January (MLK) we are planning an ALL day skiing trip (cost will be reasonable but includes lift tickets)

Edward Brouwer

Monday, November 30, 2009

Meeting News

Don’t forget the Parade is 4 pm this Saturday—we’ll line up by 3 or no later than 3:30. Just go to the Food lion parking lot or the parking lot of the BM Elementary school. We’ll have our catapult with us. A volunteer to buy the candy? I’ll just reimburse you or get you $ tonight.

Tonight the Hawk patrol will continue with presentations for Citizenship in the Community. Beaver patrol meets with Jim Shores and Shawn et al in Fellowship Hall as far as I knowJ

Edward Brouwer


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fall 09 Updates

Here are some things to have on your calendar:

Next Monday Nov 23 Regular meeting at Fellowship Hall at 6:45 we will have Marshall and Lochlin Angle help us make a catapult out of bamboo!

December 5th at 3 pm. WE will walk in the parade with CLASS A uniforms, behind the Pack 50 Float and use a catapult to launch candy into the crowdsJ

Dec 7th Christmas Caroling. Meet at Anderson Parking Lot in front of Anderson Hall (just down from our regular meeting place) at 6 pm.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall Plans

Troop 50 Leadership Meeting Oct 5, 2009

Present: Alan, Edward, Jerry, Jim, Jeff, LuAnn, Marshall, Marybeth, Marcus & Shawn Swartz

Jeff and Jay are the Assistant Scout Masters. Please contact them with suggestions and questions about the troop if you can’t reach Edward.

David, Jerry and Marcus held a successful campout Oct. 2 & 3 at Legacy Camp. It was enjoyed by all who attended.

Oct. 5: Tonight Lee Kruse taught part of the Citizenship and Community merit badge.

Oct. 24-25 – Backpack trip with Marcus and Jay. Scouts will have orange vests to wear as this is hunting season (bow only) if trip goes to Shining Rock

Nov. 6 & 7: We will complete the community service in Brevard with the Transylvania County Sheriff‘s office and camp that Friday night. Officer Kruse’ training tonight is in preparation for this.

Nov. 1: 2 pm at Legacy Camp Jim and Shawn will assist those scouts who did not complete their merit badge at camp for Environmental Science with the two remaining requirements. This meeting will be for the plot transect, will take about 2 hours.

Need to plan for a winter campout at Legacy (take this up at next meeting).

Beaver patrol Curriculum: (For Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class requirements)

Oct. 12 & 19 First Aid Requirements

Oct. 19: Fitness & remaining First Aid

Oct. 19th: Board of Review for those boys ready to advance rank only

Nov. 2nd: Poisonous Plants and animals

Nov. 2nd: Begin work merit badges for those who have advanced to 1st Class

Other important dates for entire troop:

Oct. 19th: Bring you packed bag for inspection for campout weekend

Nov. 2nd: Leadership meeting at 7 pm Location will be somewhere in Gaither Chapel area.

December 5th Black Mountain Christmas Parade

Dec. 7th Christmas Caroling with MPC

Dec. 14th Court of Honor with Board of Review Nov. 30th

Voted: Wear Class A uniform to meetings and Class B on campouts and other outings

Needed: a Crossover Ceremony for David Teo and Zander Shores. When, Where, How?

This needs to be determined

Finances: We have spent $8000 in 2009, half on property improvements of Legacy Camp. Fundraising is critical need for us this year. Edward will provide a financial report to the parents and send this out via email.

Jeff has a plan for a tent platform. We’d like to have all tent platforms are built to the same specifications.

Potential for terracing with native rocks on the site to assist in having tent pads in level spots. Mike has agreed to let us cut trees as needed. There are many straight and dead locust trees on the property that would be perfect for construction of pads.

We still want a pavilion to meet in: the old trailer has been moved up there to be used for now.

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

LuAnn Bryan

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October Update

The Troop encourages all boys to bring their own Nalgene Bottles to campouts. We will bring a large container of water and bottles can be refilled.

Also as a rule we encourage boys to wear class A uniforms at our Monday evenings and Class B uniforms for more informal events. If you have not received your Class B (we handed them out at camp and a few last week) then please ask about this at our next meeting.

On Sunday afternoon November 1, weather permitting, Mr. Shores and Mr. Swartz will lead us on the Legacy Property for the requirements of the Environmental Science Badge that we did not complete at camp. This involves preparing and observing two transects of a micro eco-system. We will establish an initial “reading” then do another in the winter and a final one next Spring.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Menu-Planning (First Class, Beaver Patrol)

Check your email for a message from Mr. Angle that has details about using this form for meal planning on campouts.

Troop 50 Campout, September 18-19

Menu Plan

16 people attending

Beavers attending: Lochlan, Matt, Joe, Xander, David, Other?


Food List

Equipment List

Duty Roster




Friday Supper

Hobo Dinners

Apple Cobbler


Saturday Breakfast





Saturday Lunch


Apple Sauce


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Recent photos

I have added some recent photos here. Included are summer camp shots, and our Spring 09 Court of Honor, our bike trip in VA, plus a couple of our meeting last night (091409).

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Legacy Camp Update

From Jeff Kruse:

I am very excited to report that the trail we made on Mike Sonnenberg's property last spring from the top of the hill off the gravel road to the bottom of the hill off the blacktop road has been cleared and widened from top to bottom. There are a few small stumps and some small to medium size rocks we should still clear from the trail but much of the work is complete.

Once we do the stump and rock clearing we will have an AWESOME mountain bike downhill single track path. As it is, we have a nice walking path to forts, tent areas, etc. I am really eager of course to try the bike on the path. "Whoop-dees", perhaps?

First year Scouts, one of your requirements is to find evidence of ten kinds of animals in the wild. I found some yellow jackets when I accidentally stuck a weed trimmer going full speed into two of their nests. It is very evident that they are there when they bite you. Ha. While it is not fun to be attacked, I can't help but admire them-they are tough looking and pack a lot of sting in a small package. One of their nests is right next to the trail at the bottom so if you go to see the property be forewarned.

A road has been cut onto the property and graveled. The entrance is just past the turn to the "Black Bear" road immediately after the mailboxes. The campsite clearing has been graded and mulched (it had become overrun with poison oak so we just scraped off the top and covered it), a nice picnic table has been purchased, and some weeding and trimming has been done.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Mike Sonnenberg for his generosity in allowing us to use this property. Mike, it has already been a real blessing and we are looking forward to great times this year as well. Thank you very much. We will keep our footprint light.

Many of you have expressed a desire to transition as much of the program as possible to the property. Discussions are ongoing regarding next steps. There is consensus that we want to have a set up we can use and enjoy but also retains the rustic feel that makes it special. And yes, guys, your forts will stay. The form our improvements should take is an issue. Budget of course is an issue as well. I am confident we will ultimately have a nice "base camp" setup whatever form that takes. This fall should be great fun.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Summer Camp 2010!!

Kindly mark your calendars! We have signed up for Summer Camp 2010 and it will be at Camp Grimes (check out their website We will be there for a whole week beginning Sunday the 23rd of June to Saturday the 3rd of July. Start thinking of ways to raise money for this eventJ (Approximately $250/boy).

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Meeting 083109

We met with the men from the 4th Quarter group from Montreat Presbyterian last night. After ice cream we had a funny slide show about failure and success and then listened to Dr. Robert Barker tell stories about some of the stupid things he did growing up and what he learded from them.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fall Plans

Upcoming Events:
Jay Guffey will lead – limited # on participants per day
Aug. 21 – 2:30 – 7 pm beginners
Aug. 28 - 2:30 – 7 pm intermediate

Oct. 16-18 VA Creeper Trail with Montreat Presbyterian Church or 2 night campout

All Friday evenings after Sept 14 we will have camping at Legacy Camp. A sign-up sheet will be sent out by Edward for parents to fill in for evenings they will stay at camp with the boys.

Legacy Camp (our camp) has just been completed grading, with a $5000 cost. This included parking, gravel and an area for camping. A sub-committee was formed to create a timeline and costs to complete Legacy Camp. Jeff, David and LuAnn are on this committee. The boys who have not completed personal management with David will also serve on this committee. We have approximately $3000 left in our Scout account. Structures discussed were a shelter, barn, outhouse, tent platforms and water storage.

Scout meetings will begin on Monday Sept. 14. We will not cancel meetings for non-school days, except for major holidays.

Troop 50 will sell popcorn this year. LuAnn will be the popcorn kernel for Troop 50 again. She also will be attending Roundtable on the first Monday of each month with Daniel Boone Council.

LuAnn will work with Marshall Angle on researching different scout camps for next summer.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camp Pictures

Despite the fact that the troop had to bug out because of a flu outbreak, we got a few pictures. There is room for plenty more, so please send them to Mike Barker. You can see a slide-show in the right column, or click here.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


The Scouts came back late Thursday night. There was an outbreak of flu-like symptoms in another troop. It seems to have begun Tuesday (one of our leaders thought it was food poisoning). The Haywood County Health Department has determined (Friday) that it is the H1N1 virus. Our troop decided not take any further risks; they got home after midnight Thursday night. One of our boys was feeling ill Thursday night, but only the one ( as of Friday his doctor has determined that he's not got H1N1). The troop that seems to be the source had 15 out of 45 boys laid low. We are all glad our leaders did not dawdle and brought the boys home right away. As of Saturday everyone who has reported in has said they are fine. We're still in that onset stage though; but we remain hopeful. Each family is handling thing according to their preferences. Some have started Tamiflu; others are holding out unless symptoms develop. Everyone's bummed that we missed the end of camp, and were not able to finish badge-work. Scouts have been asked to make detailed notes of the they did get done before they left, so they can finish up later.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


All the boys seem to be having a blast at Camp this week!

Troop 50 usually has a part in the two parades we have each year in the community. The Montreat 4th of July parade starts at 10:30 and I would like all the boys in Uniform at 10 am at the (Montreat College) Library lining up. We will also be leading in the flag ceremony and the pledge of allegiance.

We will have two scout related trips this summer that involve water—a kayak and canoe trip. Be on the lookout for announcements about this.

We’ll talk more about our part in the Black Mountain parade the day after Holly Jolly when we get back in the swing of things in the Fall.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Gone Camping!

The whole troop went to Scout Camp yesterday. The Daniel Boone Council here in southwestern NC runs Camp Daniel Boone, near Canton. All 13 boys in the troop are at camp this week. Dads are sharing the leadership through the week (special thanks to Al Presnell, Jeff Kruse, Marshall Angle for pulling lots of time at camp). The boys are studying a wide variety of things to work off merit badges. No one has exactly the same schedule. (Thanks to LuAnn B. for staying up late one night back in April and getting everyone registered and signed up for their first choices!!) All the boys will work on horseback-riding in the evenings together. It will be a busy week. I'll post some personalized pictures when I have some. Above is the lakefront, and below is a typical campsite.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Last night was crossover for Webelos in Pack 50 to move up and be eligible for Scouts.  We were at Lake Tomahawk in town, and it was a little chilly.  We shared a meal (catered by Marcus and Melissa Duarte's Red Radish here in Black Mountain) and played a lot.  Watching the little kids was great.  Our boys welcomed the oldest boys into Scouting.  They are all great boys and we hope they will choose to affiliate with us at Troop 50.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reminders about upcoming meetings

Thanks guys for your engaged participation in the round table last night at scouts. Here are some reminders:

Since we did not get to review this: Please email me the Badges for which you did NOT receive a card at the last court of Honor. Luanne will get these to you.

Next week we have a Board of Review at the Camp/Property. Please come with your books. Remember if you forget your book we will not be able to recommend you for advancement at the Court of honor on May 25th.

May 18th is our Joint Pack 50 Troop 50 Picnic at Lake Tomahawk Pavilion. This will be a catered meal by Red Radish (thanks Marcus) Please let me know exactly how many are coming from your family—we need exact numbers to give to Marcus. The cost of this will be taken from our Program Budget—with thanks to our boys for their fundraising efforts!

Camp Daniel Boone is Sunday June 7-Satruday June 13. For those in Public School this will be a conflict since school goes to June 10th. Take Note!

Edward Brouwer


Please submit any photos you have to Mike Barker or myself so we can add them to the BLOG.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Connecting Scouting and Faith

Three years ago Gregory Nelson, 56, attended St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Swartz because it was Scout Sunday and he is the assistant Scoutmaster of his son’s troop. “I had fallen away from God,” says Nelson, “but the words of the preacher just hit me. I found myself crying in uniform.” The following Sunday, Nelson returned without the uniform and six months later he joined the church along with his son and daughter. Nelson now teaches a Sunday school class for teenagers, and he is the alternate lay member of the Louisiana Annual Conference. He also serves as the director of mission work, and he is the charter organization representative for the Scout troop and a Cub pack. As the country’s first Scouting ministry specialist, Nelson will now help other churches understand how scouting can bring people to Christ. He will introduce scouting to Louisiana churches that have no troops or packs, and he will help churches with scouting units relate more closely to the youth and their parents. A Scouting ministry specialist helps neighboring churches understand the importance of scouting and provide techniques to help launch Cub packs, Girl and Boy Scout troops, and Venturing crews. The effort to recruit Scouting ministry specialists is led by the Nashville-based General Commission on United Methodist Men, the agency responsible for scouting ministry. The pilot effort is being launched in the Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas Annual Conferences. “I know from personal experience how scouting can bring people to God,” he says. Reprinted with special permission from the United Methodist Daily News Service.

Scout Night with the Asheville Tourists

For $10 you can watch a game and stay overnight at the Ballpark at McCormick field on Sat May 16 at 7:05. Let me know if anyone is interested (you camp on the field)

Asheville Tourists vs. Augusta Greenjackets. They will show a movie on the ball field after the game for those who are camping. You'll also get an event patch. Plus breakfast courtesy of Bojangles the next morning.

Invite family and friends to the game for the special price of $5; tickets must be ordered in advance by May 14 for this special rate. Contact Jason Kane (with the Tourists' office) at 828.258.0428

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Meeting updates

Note this for your calendars:

On May 11th I want all of us to meet at the Troop 50 Campsite in Black Mountain rather than Fellowship Hall—the College has asked to use the Hall and this is a good opportunity to spend an hour on the new property.

I would like all of us to attend the Pack 50 sponsored picnic on May 18th at Lake Tomahawk pavilion. Come anytime after 5 pm.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Meeting updates

We hope all of you had a great weekend. The Camp was a great success and I believe the boys had a blast building those forts. I look forward to seeing all of you tonight at 6:45 in Fellowship Hall.

One thing I would like to do is set up an ad hoc committee of 3 boys and 3 adults to develop a long range plan for the use of the property that the Sonnenberg’s are so graciously allowing us to use for Scouts. I would like to have this part of the agenda tonight.

On May 11th we will not be able to use the Fellowship Hall for our meeting. We could all meet upstairs in the choir room—we could meet outside or whatever. Sop for the Hawk and Beaver patrol—please note this and make adjustments accordingly.

Also we are all invited to the annual crossing over ceremony of the Pack 50 boys on MAY 18th. This will be at the Lake Tomahawk Pavilion. I would like to request that THIS be our meeting for the evening instead of meeting at Montreat. I would like to request that our Assistant Scoutmasters (Jeff and Jay) be present as I will be away visiting my parents that day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Camping 24-26 April


Arrive at or around 5 Friday .

Brush clearing/burning to establish camping and cooking spots Dinner/campfire

Saturday: Pioneering and Orienteering led by Marshall and Jay. Plan to build FORT during the day, with timber from the property and rope lashings


6:30 Reveille Breakfast and break camp 7:30 I understand that Jay will continue orienteering stuff and we will be finished by lunch Sunday—we may eat lunch together—this must still be confirmed.

We'll be at the Black Bear Trail site.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Meeting 040609

Tonight, Will Presnell completed a Communications Merit Badge Requirement and helped the Beaver patrol guys in attendance (Lochlin, Joseph, Matthew, and Samuel) complete part of Second Class Requirement 8 by giving a presentation on the dangers of alcohol use. Will had a great visual aid in a presentation board with some facts and pictures. He also did a great job standing up in front of the group and speaking clearly. Thanks also to Alan Presnell and David Phillips for supporting the presentation with some additional facts and stories. Zach Shores will follow up with a presentation on the dangers of drug use.

The Hawk patrol (Hunter, Caleb, Kyle, Matthew, and Will) helped organize additional material into the trailer. Thanks guys for getting us more prepared for our next campout.

The Beaver patrol covered 1st Class Requirement 4a and 4b-menu planning for our next campout. We are going to attempt to step up the cooking level at our next campout as we will be closer to our vehicles and able to work with fresh meat and dutch ovens. Marcus has given us some good ideas and we are excited to try them out.

Our new "standard" flag ceremony is much improved over the beginning of the year. Let's continue working to tighten it up so we are able to step up and do proper justice to a flag ceremony when called upon.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Troop Meeting 033009

Troop 50

March 30, 2009

Presentation of Colors

Mr. Kruse

Discuss the first of the boy scout oath - duty to my country.

Read the first part of the declaration of the independence

Protect God given rights

Pool the parents about watching the movie “The Patriot” (Mel Gibson RevolutionaryWar) for citizenship badge

Beaver Patrol:

Present- Joseph, Lochlan, Samuel, Andrew, Matthew, Eli

Diane Morris and Joseph covered swimming requirements with David Sabo.

7A (Second Class) and 9A (First Class) of the Swimming requirements

Pg 153 – Safety Afloat

Pg 99 – Safe Swim Defense

Dave Sabo completed the first aid kit requirement

6B Second Class Requirement

Hawk Patrol:

Hawk Patrol covered the Emergency preparedness Troop Mobilization Plan

Friday, March 20, 2009

Leadership Planning Meeting

Scout Leadership Meeting
March 17, 2009
Dynamite Roasting Company

Michael Barker, Edward Brouwer, LuAnn Bryan, Caleb Guffey, Jay Guffey, Jeff Kruse, David Phillips, Maribeth Sabo, Matt Sabo, Mike Sonnenberg,

April 4 & 5 Our Scout Land
Saturday night campout on Scout Land. Rifle, ax and lashing skills. Need 6 parents to attend to make this happen. Sunday Morning church service at the camp. This will be a great campout on our Land! Plan to attend.

April 24 & 25 & return on 26 Rock Climbing
Weather dependent, but plan for Linville area
Lots of parents needed on this campout also. Jay Guffey will lead this campout.
It will be a cool time on the Rocks!

May 2 & 3 Crossover campout
Need older boys to lead this. Working on tenderfoot requirements with the new scouts on this weekend. Everyone who can needs to attend this weekend. Scouts will be assigned scouts for our Boy Mentoring Program.

Memorial Day Monday May 25th: Troop 50 Court of Honor & picnic
More details forthcoming.

July 24 & 25 Emergency Preparedness campout
We must have another Troop to work with us. Alan Presnell is checking with Troop 43 in Oteen. More info to come.

TBD: We do need to plan a time and date to go to Cheshire for the swimming requirements, and water rescue. Boys, bring your calendars to the meeting on Monday to set this time and date. If you don’t have a calendar, make one this weekend with your parents.

Summer 2009:
Plan the annual calendar for Troop 50.

Discussion: Considering advertising in the Black Mtn News that Troop 50 is in Montreat and parents who have boys interested in boy scouts contact Edward Brouwer. No final decision made, but if we do, emphasize the fact that parents must be involved and boys must truly be interested in Scouting and believe its principles.

Crossover 2010: Edward to talk with Eric Howie about possibly having crossover earlier next year, around February, to give the new scouts time with the Troop before Summer Camp.

Beaver Patrol Update:
For the remainder of the spring, Jeff Kruse will assist Mr. Angle with the Beaver Patrol. Mike Sonnenberg will speak to the patrol on Monday night. Be there and be prepared to plan your next meetings.

Bring your scout book and your merit badge information in your three ring binder so we will know what items need to be completed. Read Mr. Kruse’s email from March 17th and bring what he has listed. This is critical for this meeting.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nifty Scouting Site

I have found this site to be quite useful in finding information about advancement through the Scouting ranks. I have put it in the Links section on the right also. At the Boy Scout Trail site you can find information about the requirements for each rank. Also is a listing of the requirements for every merit badge. Also, you can view videos that describe and show various aspects of the ranks. There is a work sheet for each merit badge (much like what was used at the recent Merit Badge Midway). Please check it out. Very cool and handy information. Keep working on those badges!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Troop 50's leadership team will meet TU 3/17 at 445PM. Here is the initial call for the meeting and the resulting dialogue. It's exciting stuff!

From Scoutmast Edward Brouwer:
Let’s all meet at the new Roasting Coffee place at 4:45 for a leadership ,meeting—finished within an hour. The agenda will be discussion of program strengths and areas for improvement with a goal to have a plan to solve them. We will also look at our financial situation, our equipment needs, summer camp expectations, and schedule for the remainder of the year.

From parent Michael Sonnenberg:
It might move things along by all of us e-mailing some of the talking points in a more fleshed out manner i.e. strengths, improvements, equipment needs, camp expectations, schedule for year
Just an idea...

From parent Marshall Angle:
Strengths: active adult leadership that promotes high adventure and travel opportunities for boys. Commitment to Advancement.

To Improve: continue planning weekly meetings that increasingly promote boy leadership and active engagement with scout skills. Continue teaching guys how to efficiently plan and implement their meeting agendas. Streamline announcements; optimize time spent doing things (this is not to say that we don’t already conduct such meetings—it is to say, though, that the path we are on is a good one and that we should continue in that direction with continued emphases placed on boy leadership and active application of skills).

I like the leadership meetings in which we devote at least some time for planning and scheduling. Long-term scheduling is good, but I think it also helps to devote time to short-term agenda preparation (e.g., opening & closing ceremonies, patrol activities, and troop activities for the next month). Even if this does not happen at our next leadership meeting, such planning, it seems to me, helps us accomplish our goals of nurturing boy leadership. Over the next few months, I would like for the Beavers to spend Patrol time focusing on Orienteering/ Hiking; Knife and Ax skills; Lashing/ Pioneering; and First Aid. It would be cool if we could gain use of a pool—there are some swimming requirements for those ranks as well.

For Advancement, ranks beyond Tenderfoot require service projects-so that might be on our agenda.

I hope we might spend some time this spring at the land that has been offered for scouts’ use. Perhaps have a Pioneering weekend in which we clear space for use but also learn lashing and camp skills that will help the Beavers reach Second and First Class ranks. Such work could also be applied to Pioneering merit badge for the Hawks. Perhaps we could also make an Orienteering course for the guys on the site? There were three scouts who have earned a partial for Orienteering.

And finally from Edward Brouwer again:
Marshall I like your thinking on this. I agree that a weekend on the land would be amazing AND you could probably knock out a lot of the ax/knife skills, lashing etc that weekend as we clear the land and create campsites.

Thanks for this flow of conversation in anticipation of our meeting next Tuesday

It promises to be a great meeting. We hope all the parents can attend!

Monday, March 2, 2009

No Scouts Tonight and CAMP Information

As normal, no scouts this evening as no school today.

(Though we are not meeting, we need to take care of some business for our participation at camp this summer.)

If you can, please take time to look at the Daniel Boone website
(Use the link in the right-hand column.) Click on the "2009 Leaders' Guide" button in the left column of the CDM site.

The pages you need to look at in particular are 25-34. I encourge you to look at the merit badges that are required for Eagle.

Some badges require some work completed prior to coming to Summer Camp. Look at the information for each badge.

Please send your merit bages choices to LuAnn Bryan (luannbryan(AT)gmail(DOT)com) and she will comply a list for me to send into CDB.

Hope you enjoyed playing in the snow today with your scout.

Edward Brouwer, Scoutmaster

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Meeting 1/26/09

This is what the Hawk Patrol did on Monday 26th, at the Boy Scout meeting. It's the Outdoor Code explained.

As an American, I will do my best to

Be clean in my outdoor manners,:

-Pack it in pack it out, don't leave food lying around, don't tell/let other people clean up your trash, keep equipment organized.

Be careful with fire,:

-Don't put things in the fire that shouldn't be there, do not play with fire, do not burn rhododendron.

Be considerate in the outdoors,:

-Respect other campers, when hiking step aside for other hikers/cyclists.

And be conservation minded,:

-Don't pull bark off of live trees, don't erode banks, don't destroy animal habitats.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Spring Schedule (Draft)

Draft Troop 50 Boyscouts Spring 2009 Schedule

January 26th—Monday evening regular meeting 6:45-8:15

February 2nd—Monday evening regular meeting 6:45-8:15

February 9th—Monday evening regular meeting ^;45-8:15

February 15th—Sunday Snow Tubing Event 2-6 pm $20 charge


February 23rd—Board of Review

February 27th—Camping trip

February 28th—Merit Badge Midway in Spruce Pine All Day

March 2nd—Court of Honor

March 9th—Monday evening regular meeting 6:45-8:15

March 16th—Monday evening regular meeting

March 20-21—Weekend Campout Leave Friday evening return Saturday


March 30th—Monday evening regular Meeting

April 6th—Monday evening regular meeting


April 20th—Monday evening regular meeting

April 24-26—Camping Trip

May 4th—Monday evening regular meeting

May 11th—Monday evening regular meeting

May 18th—Monday evening regular meeting


June 7th-13th—Daniel Boone Council Summer Camp week. Leave around 4 pm Sunday and return early afternoon Saturday.

Troop Finances

A summary of our finances for 2008:

I would like to report our income and expense situation.

Our program received $11,880.88

Our program expenses were $7996.48

Therefore we have a carry over into 2009 of $3884.40 for our program

Our Equipment Fund received $$8029.41

And we spent $4498.73

So we have a carry over into 2009 of $3531.68 for our equipment

Detailed financial reports are available on request.

Edward Brouwer

Scoutmaster Troop 50

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


You can see pictures from our first meeting of the year, 010509 here.

Summer Camp 2009

Summer Camp is June 7-13 at the conference camp ground. Scouts need to declare their intent to attend within the next week or so. Cost is $250, with portions of popcorn sales available to credit toward each Scouts' cost.

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year: New Meeting!

I look forward to seeing you tonight at 6:45 at Fellowship Hall. I also want to let you know about the CPR training that we have scheduled for THIS Sunday the 11th at 3-7 pm. I think we should probably do this in Fellowship Hall unless our instructor David Sperry prefers that we do this in the Christian Ed building.

Edward Brouwer
