Monday, April 27, 2009

Meeting updates

We hope all of you had a great weekend. The Camp was a great success and I believe the boys had a blast building those forts. I look forward to seeing all of you tonight at 6:45 in Fellowship Hall.

One thing I would like to do is set up an ad hoc committee of 3 boys and 3 adults to develop a long range plan for the use of the property that the Sonnenberg’s are so graciously allowing us to use for Scouts. I would like to have this part of the agenda tonight.

On May 11th we will not be able to use the Fellowship Hall for our meeting. We could all meet upstairs in the choir room—we could meet outside or whatever. Sop for the Hawk and Beaver patrol—please note this and make adjustments accordingly.

Also we are all invited to the annual crossing over ceremony of the Pack 50 boys on MAY 18th. This will be at the Lake Tomahawk Pavilion. I would like to request that THIS be our meeting for the evening instead of meeting at Montreat. I would like to request that our Assistant Scoutmasters (Jeff and Jay) be present as I will be away visiting my parents that day.

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